What post-grant documentation is required?
Organizations receiving awards must provide the following documentation by June 30th the following year by email. The email subject line should begin with the name or initials of the organization:
- Grant Expenditure Budget (If grant is not fully expended by June 30, provide a detailed plan for how and when the grant will be used and a full report within two weeks of the end of the program or September 15, whichever is earlier.)
- Impact Statement: The Impact Statement should provide a detailed but concise explanation of who or what was directly and indirectly affected by the grant funds with measurable data.
- The Impact Statement and Grant Expenditure Budget together should not exceed 3 pages. Copies of checks and invoices should not be included unless requested. However, The D’Olier Foundation reserves the right to request documentation of actual expenditures at any time.
To be eligible for a grant in the following year’s grant cycle, grantee organizations must submit the post-grant documentation on time. Organizations which submit late reports may apply in later years; so long as the post grant documentation is provided by June 30th of the later year.